St. Matthias’ Church Chiu Chun Kindergarten is a non-profit kindergarten under HKSKH St. Matthias’ Church. We operate in the spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ, “to serve and not to be served” and offer quality whole child education to the community.  Our aim is to provide children with a comprehensive and balanced development in the domains of spirituality, ethics, intellect, physique, social skills and aesthetics, so as to lay a good foundation for basic education.



Learning is a process of active exploration. By interacting with the environment, peers and teachers, children develop learning attitudes, and by learning in an appropriate environment, they achieve a balanced development.


To promote the development of children’s spirituality, ethics, intellect, physique, social skills and aesthetics; and in Christ’s spirit of “to serve and not to be served”, to cultivate in children good character and self-care abilities, as well as active learning attitudes.


Teach children how they should live,
and they will remember it all their life.

Proverbs 22:6

School Badge

the “shield” represents Christ’s providence;
the “three crosses” represent Christ’s sacrifice, love and salvation

School Motto

to serve and not to be served

School Song

Not to be served, in the spirit of the Lord’s love,
to serve, aspiring to the School’s motto.
Read the Bible, follow the truth,
grow in ethics, intellect, physique, social skills and aesthetics.
Nurture the young, cultivate the spirituality,
practise moral teaching and set good examples to glorify the name of the Lord.