The Rev. Chan, Wing Fung Vincent
HKSKH St. Matthias’ Church


Education plays a lasting and significant role in a person’s development.  It is also a life journey.  Whether you are a child or an adult, you are constantly learning.  Early childhood education is said to be the enlightenment period of a person’s growth as well as personality development.  It is also the foundation period of a person’s perception and understanding of the world.

In the spirit of Christ’s “to serve and not to be served”, St. Matthias’ Church Chiu Chun Kindergarten provides quality whole child education services to the community and strives to foster in children a comprehensive and balanced development in the domains of spirit, ethics, intellect, physique, social skills and aesthetics, which serves to lay a good foundation in basic education.

As the School song sings:

Not to be served, in the spirit of the Lord’s love,
to serve, aspiring to the School’s motto.
Read the Bible, follow the truth,
grow in ethics, intellect, physique, social skills and aesthetics.
Nurture the young, cultivate the spirituality,
practise moral teaching and set good examples to glorify the name of the Lord.

The School’s Golden Jubilee Celebration this year (2019) epitomized our Kindergarten’s more than half a century service to the community of Yuen Long.  Generation after generation, children of our Kindergarten have grown up in a happy and pleasant environment, learning through the teachings of the Bible, developing moral character and acquiring knowledge.

I hope that the Lord will continue to lead our School and endow her and every one with His joy.  I also hope that generations and generations of Chui Chun alumni will offer thanks to the School and pray for her on this day of Golden Jubilee Celebration.

May the Lord bless every one of you!